Sunday, November 24, 2013


Well, I'm not well. If I am, I wouldn't be writing this.

Truth to be told, studies, I can handle. Final year project, I can handle. Acting in a national university-level mock trial as the judge, I can handle. And it seems as if I can handle living life as well as possible.

But the one thing that I can't handle, being in love. Not loved, but being in love to someone who's completely oblivious about it. I really can't help it, waking up, thinking about this particular person. Going to sleep with the thought of that same person. It's tiring. I am a hopeless romantic. When I am in love, I would become this fat zombie without a proper brain. I am tired.

Hopefully, this feeling would pass on soon.

Smiling in the midst of all (emotional) chaos. Coz im cool liddat!

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